Association pour les Femmes en Situation Précaire (AFESIP)

Solidarity Commitment Week

2 min read 13 August 2014

16-20 June 2014

RAJA Foundation – Danièle Marcovici
Supporting women in the World

“At Raja, solidarity towards women is everyone’s business”

Last June, the “RAJA Foundation – Danièle Marcovici” held its 2nd Solidarity Commitment Week at the RAJA Group European headquarters in Roissy, France. Raja employees were fully committed to this initiative thanks to the RAJApeople program.

Raja employees can support charities all year long thanks to a micro donation scheme. So far more than €7,000 has been raised.

Association pour les Femmes en Situation Précaire (AFESIP)

The “microDON” (micro donation) is a payroll giving scheme whereby each employee can donate from a few cents to several euros towards the Foundation. The funds raised are doubled by the company and are donated to a charity chosen by the Foundation.

This year, the winning charity of the RAJApeople Award is the “Association pour les Femmes en Situation Précaire (AFESIP)” – Association for Women in Vulnerable Situations. On June 20th, a cheque for €7,076.78 was awarded to Claude Pretot, President of the Association, by Danièle Kapel-Marcovici, President of the Foundation and CEO of RAJA Group at the European Group headquarters in Roissy.

“Thanks to the generosity of Raja and its charity partners, the lives of many young women have been impacted for the better.”

Since 2006, AFESIP supports young women victims of human trafficking in Laos and helps them towards their reintegration into work and society.

Skilful volunteering: employees share their time and talents

Two initiatives open to all employees were organised during the Solidarity Commitment Week:

Rajapack volunteering

  • Volunteer one day: the “Pro Bono” Day

In partnership with Pro Bono Lab, the Foundation had a dozen employees advising two associations for a day – “pro bono” means common good in Latin. With their help, “Les Femmes Relais” in Aulnay-sous-Bois and the international charity “Solidarité” were able to create new presentation brochures to showcase their charity work.

  • Volunteering  “Speed dating”

Six associations took part in a speed dating type workshop to promote their cause and offered Raja employees the opportunity to volunteer.  This was a valuable experience for participants, and all involved took a lot away from the day.

Foundation News

  • On June 5th, 23 new community projects for women received support from the Foundation.
  • The 2nd edition of the “RAJA Foundation Women’s Awards” is launched! The winning organisations will be unveiled in November 2014.

Learn more about the Foundation’s activities on (available in English)

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