Rajapack are proud to introduce to you…RAJAPRINT

2 min read 18 March 2015

We couldn’t be more excited to introduce our brand new packaging-tape customisation system, Rajaprint. Rajaprint is an online system that allows users to choose from varying types of packaging tape before customising them with different colours, texts or brand logos.


We’ve always tried to be the best for our customers and to us that means listening to their requests and trying our best to turn them into workable, affordable products. It also means moving with the evolution of the packaging world.

Rajaprint comes as a reaction to a wave of customer feedback that suggests that customisation is set to be the packaging must-have of 2015.

The list of variables for Rajaprint is impressive, even if we do say so ourselves.

  • Over 100 different tapes to choose from
  • 2 different widths of tape
  • Various lengths depending on the tape selected
  • Tape-materials including Vinyl, Paper, Polypropylene, Cross Woven, Heavy Duty, Low Noise

It’s not just the customised tape that we’re proud of though. The functionality behind the system is seamless and so easy to use. It involves a 3-step process so you can go from start to finish in just a few clicks. Here’s a video to show you more

The added branding potential that customised packaging tape can provide is such a benefit to SME business’ who don’t want the large overheads of specialised branding campaigns. With the Rajaprint, special launch offer customers can buy a stock of custom vinyl tape from just £1.67 per roll (72 roll minimum order) and in the process take care of packaging and branding needs in one go.

We’re pretty proud of the turn-around time as well; business never sleeps and so we’ve made our process as streamlined as possible. Our typical delivery time is just two weeks from design sign-off.

Click on the picture below to try out Rajaprint for yourself, it could be the best thing you do today.



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