RAJA Foundation Women’s Awards

2 min read 19 December 2014

19 November 2014

RAJA Foundation – Danièle Marcovici
Supporting women in the World

“Rewarding the fantastic work done by charities for women”

On 19 November 2014, the RAJA Foundation Women’s Awards rewarded five charities for their exceptional work helping women in France and around the world.

Womens Awards Photo

€80,000 was raised during an evening dedicated to women’s causes!

More than 400 people, including many Raja Group employees came to the awards ceremony which was held in Paris “Maison de la Mutualité”.

On the night, three prizes worth €20,000 and Two Awards “Coup de Coeur” worth €10,000 were awarded to the following charities:

Womens Awards Charity Photos

Women’s Rights and Combat Violence Against Women Award:
“Femmes SDF” – A charity caring for homeless women in Grenoble, France.

Education and Social Measures Award:
“Asie Tana Inter Aide” – A charity based in the slums of Manilla in the Philippines that helps marginalised women in these areas.

Training and Professional Development Award:
SIAD – A charity helping vulnerable women workers in the onion fields of Burkina Faso.

“Coup de cœur” Award – France:
“Etablissements Bollec” – An Art gallery and workshop based in Rennes, France which helped women in prison to create and publish a women’s magazine.

“Coup de cœur” Award – International:

“Actions de Solidarité Internationale” – A charity based in the Republic of Congo helping young female prostitutes towards social reintegration.

More than 400 participants attended the Awards, including many political leaders and celebrities.

Womens Awards Participants

Danièle Kapel-Marcovici, President of the Raja Foundation and CEO of RAJA Group emphasised the fact that the Awards are here to put the spotlight on all the violence women are subjected to, and that it was everyone’s duty to help put a stop to it.

Pascale Boistard, Secretary of State for Women’s Rights who actively supports the Foundation also praised the Awards’ hard work and it’s engagement with women during her speech.

Celebrities were also involved in the Awards including the French singer Agnès Bihl, who performed live during the ceremony.

About the foundation – from 2006 to 2014

The RAJA Foundation was founded in 2006, under the umbrella of ‘Fondation de France’, a government body established by the French government in an effort to stimulate and foster the growth of private philanthropy. Today, as then, it the supports charity programmes for women in France and around the world.

Since 2006, the Foundation has:

    • Supported 260 Programmes
    • Operated in 41 countries
    • Raised €3,000,000 so far

Learn more about the Foundation’s activities on www.fondation-raja-marcovici.com (available in English)

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