RAJA has been proactive for 70 years!
Packaging and the environment are strategic issues for the RAJA group and we have an active policy of reducing our impact on the environment. Find out how we do this:
Packaging and the environment are strategic issues for the RAJA group and we have an active policy of reducing our impact on the environment. Find out how we do this:
Buying as close to home as possible in Europe to limit CO² emissions related to procurement.
of our packaging is purchased in Europe
Choose our eco-responsible products: they are certified by an eco-symbol that shows they reduce waste, save raw materials, save energy or are recyclable.
To easily identify our eco-responsible products look out for THIS LOGO
For 70 years providing innovations and choices combining ecology and economy.
RAJA's commitment is reflected in our desire to limit C0² emissions.
Since 1954
Created by Rachel Marcovici, "RAJA Cartons" offers its customers reusable cardboard, new cardboard, corrugated cardboard, Kraft paper and gummed tape, all in stock. A daring offer, but a winner!
The 100% paper Jiffy quilted pouch is launched exclusively on the French market by RAJA. Ecological and sold for 50 years, it is experiencing a new boom today.
Cardboard edge protectors are added to the catalogue. Protect your pallets with fully recyclable protectors made from recycled materials, what could be better?
The PEFC certified wooden moulded pallet designed from 80% of recycled materials allows for more eco-responsible shipments.
RAJA is the first company to offer the Padpak paper cushioning system in France. This makes it possible to produce cushioning on demand.
Launch of adhesive paper tape, an ecological alternative to plastic adhesive tape.
Creation of a catalogue entirely dedicated to eco-friendly packaging, "Pack naturally".
RAJA achieves ISO 14001 Certification for its environmental management system.
Launch of the Women & Environment Action Programme at COP21 in Paris.